Saturday, December 11, 2010

Designer envisions a shape changing Saab car for cramped city space in 2025

With the increasing vehicles on the road and cramped city space, security on the road remains the cardinal concern. As a result, designers across the globe are developing vehicle while keeping in mind the future scenario wherein these issues will be even more serious. One such designer is Yungho Jung who has envisioned a car for Saab for the year 2025. The concept has been developed as a project for graduation course in transportation design in Umea Institute of Design - one of the leading schools that prepare transportation designers. Yungho has kept safety as the main theme of the project as he noticed that much of accidents occur due to carelessness of drivers or speeding. Therefore, the concept is to arouse and inspire participants to take active part in the movement for self-preservation. On the other, the body of this Saab is made of a flexible composite and can change its shape as per the situation.

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